Formula Compliance Check
Can we sell this?
Avena examines formulas to ensure they are acceptable for market.
Defining the legal category, legal status, safety & dosage limits and reference values for all ingredients to UK/EU standards. We determine what claims can be made on individual substances to maximise your product.
Defining the Legal Category
What is our product?
The first step for many herbal, food supplement, nutritional product producers is to establish how their product fits in to the regulatory picture.
We help ensure your formula and claims comply.
Formula reviews are an essential part of the compliance process.
Full composition and formula Reviews
Compliance with EU/UK markets
Evaluation of all ingredients including additives
Check of nutritional reference values, dosage and safety limits
Calculate values for the nutrients, vitamins and minerals based on UK/ EU standards
Check formula stands up against its claims and marketing
Provide solutions for ingredients of issue
List of claims that can be made on individual ingredients

We state what your product is in law.
Food, Supplement, Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Borderline, Medical Device, Cosmetic, Biocidal, Pet food or Novel Food.
We advise on the specific regulations for example ‘Foods of animal origin’ or what you need to make that ‘Organic’ Claim.
Avena will run through the entire formula
If we come across any problems, we will provide solutions.
Compliant compositions, ready for market.

Connect with Avena Consultants now to simplify regulatory compliance and enhance your product development. Elevate your brand in the UK and EU markets!

3 Coates Place, Edinburgh EH3 7AA
+44 7508 511724